Children's Ministry Volunteer (Adult)

Thank you for your interest in becoming a Children's Ministry Volunteer! Please fill out and submit this form, and the Children's Ministry Department Head will get in touch with your shortly.
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Spiritual History

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Background Check

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Pledge of Commitment

Practical Commitment

Children's Ministry Teachers and Helpers are scheduled on a regular basis, and must be able to commit to a regular rotation.  Teachers/Helpers are usually scheduled two weeks on, four weeks off, unless otherwise agreed upon by the team.  

Teachers will be provided in advance with curriculum (that weeks lesson), craft supplies, and acccess to the photocopy machine in the main office.  
Teachers are responsible to read through the provided curriculm in advance and prepare their lesson ahead of time (including any necessary photocopying).  The upstairs classroom will be available to teachers for preparation beginning at 9am on Sunday mornings.  

Helpers are responsible to help the teacher with any practical assistance required during the classroom time, handing out supplies and assisting students with the activities. 

New teachers/helpers will be provided initial training that includes classroom orientation, a step-by-step format for leading/teaching, and opportunity for hands on "shadowing" of current teachers/helpers.  

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Vision Commitment

Children's Ministry Vision Statement
We believe God is raising up a generation of children who are empowered from a young age to release the Kingdom of God wherever they go.  We believe that children do not receive a junior Holy Spirit, but can have a deep intimate relationship with God and experience His power displayed through their lives.  We teach them to hear God's voice, pray, worship with passion, know and love the Word of God, and to obey the Holy Spirit.  

King's Gate Church's Core Values, Vision & Beliefs
Our core values, vision statement, and beliefs can be found at  
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Lifestyle Standards Commitment

Teachers and leaders are called to live a life worthy of the calling they have received from Jesus Christ (Ephesians 4:1) and to witness to the good news of salvation by the way they live their lives (Matthew 5:16).  We understand that teachers are scripturally called to a higher level of accountablity (James 3:1), especially when we are influencing and raising up the next generation (Luke 17:2).  Activities that would constitute violations of this standard would include habitual drunkenness and drug abuse, marital unfaithfulness, premarital sex or cohabitation, use of pornography, criminal conduct, and physical or verbal abuse.  In addition, we adhere to Biblical definitions of gender identity (sex assigned by God at birth) and marriage (between one man and one woman), and we model healthy identity and relationships to the next generation. 
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Thank you for your interest in becoming a Children's Ministry Volunteer! Please fill out and submit this form, and the Children's Ministry Department Head will get in touch with your shortly.